Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tonight I realized I am a true photographer | Central KY lifestyle photographer

and not just some chick that like to take pictures and hopefully make a little money along the way. Story behind the pics, my son Brody just turned 3. I adore this little fellow. I will be honest and say sometimes he can be quite a hand full. No he is not a bad kid, he is a smart little thing. He knows how to push my buttons. He knows what he wants and he will fight till the bitter end to get it. Not really a bad quality to have, but it sure does wear a Momma out!

Now, for the past week or so he has been resisting nap time and bedtime with all he has. I am talking BIG TIME. Because of this struggling, and the fact that I also have two other children to get down for naps, and dance practice to get to on time, he missed his nap today. Which anyone with young children knows, makes matters even worse. I finally just gave up after two hours.

Tonight at bedtime his Daddy and I had a HUGE talk with him. Then my husband was off to play ball with some friends (he is so in trouble when he gets home lol) I made sure he went potty. Gave him his blankie, a book, that the hall light was on, his favorite nighttime CD in, ect. And lovingly tucked him into bed with kisses and cuddles. And silently told God that I was good on the patience thing and that *I* did not need any practice. Obviously God thought different.

Before I was even out of his room, he got up. And so the night goes. I took away his book, his toy, and put him back to bed 26 times. Yes, I counted. He screamed, he cried, but finally the 26th time was the charm. And after 10 minutes of silence I tiptoed back to his room to check on him, and there he was cuddled up with his blankie and making those little sobs (you know, the ones that break your heart) in his sleep.

So after all that work, I risked waking him up by grabbing my camera and my speedlight, and taking several shots of my sweet baby boy sleeping. That is it, that is the moment I knew I was a REAL photographer, a crazy one. Crazy enough to take a chance on waking him up, just to capture the memories of tonight's bedtime struggle. And now, for the pics.


Amy said...

You ARE crazy!!!! I've had a few of those kinds of nights with Jake, and I know of those pitiful sobs. I LOVE the pictures though...and knowing the story almost made me want to cry when I saw them!

Good work, cuz!

jennifer adams said...

moments like these are priceless and will be cherished forever!

Jen said...

Such sweet photos. :)

Land of Blissful Chaos said...

Well, I'm glad that you finally realized what we all have known for quite some time. ;)

Jennifer Stafford said...

Such sweet captures. What a handsome little guy you have! And the sleeping moments, when they look so peaceful and sweet, are the ones that make you realize that it's all worth it :)

Melanie Newsom said...

LOVE! SO sweet! Love those lashes!

Corine Tran said...

so precious and definitely a story you will remember for a lifetime!

Kimberly Marie said...

Awe! these are precious. I love the lashes shot, it's perfect!

Tori Piercy said...

I think all moms can relate to this post! These are sooo sweet and can only imagine you will cherish them forever <3

Samantha Suzuki Photography said...

Aren't they precious asleep...finally. Great shots.

Katherine said...

Lovely! That realization comes at the weirdest times, doesn't it? We've definitely had a few nights like that before!

Mary G. said...

What a sweet post! It almost made me cry!

Unknown said...

I love these photos!

Shelby said...

What a beautiful moment you were able to capture!