Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Senior pics! | Central KY senior photographer

Meet Sam. He is my little cousin, and my 4 year old daughters first crush. A couple months ago we saw Sam at Wal-mart and after we finished talking to him and went on our way, Lilly announced "Sam is soooo cool. I think I love him." I got a good giggle out of that coming from a 4 year old. Then Monday Sam came to have his senior pictures made, and after he left Lilly says "I am going to marry Sam because he is the one I love." So there ya go buddy, she loves you! lol.

OK, enough about silly Lilly. We could not have timed this session any better. The fall colors were at their best Monday. It is absolutely beautiful back here! Sadly, the color will fade in a few days. We had a good time letting Sam just be himself and capturing that! This is just a sample of what we shot, and I am not even done editing them yet, I just ran through a pulled out a few to post on the blog.

Enjoy, and hope you like them Aunt Wina!


Anonymous said...

Katie Lou, I love them!! I can't wait to see the rest. You are awesome!! Love ya!! Aunt Wina

jmom said...

I love these pictures of Sam. HE looks so much like his Dad in them. Katie you do a wonderful job!
