Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Recent Easter session

Bunnies? Baby chicks? Lambs? Nope, not in my studio! Try a gals' best friend, her cute little Chihuahua. I was thrilled to be able to finally have a older child in my studio! Miss "K" is 8, and cute as a button. Her sweet little puppy is named Lily, and the poor little thing had a reaction to her shots earlier that day. She was pretty sore, but posed beautifully for a few pictures. To prove these are actually Easter pictures, we threw in the Easter basket in the last shot.

I still have some openings for Easter pictures this weekend! Feel free to bring your own (small) animals if you wish! This is one time of the year that I do offer packages, and it is a great deal, so don't miss out! Feel free to e-mail me at katieloubelle@hotmail.com if you ahve any questions!

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a precious young lady! Great work, Katie!