He broke me in easy! Little guy was happily awake for only a few minutes, and then snoozed for the rest of the session! He never uttered a whimper at all. Even when I would pick him up to snuggle...uhh I mean repose him. ;) Plus, he is absolutely adorable! It never ceases to amaze me how perfectly wonderful a newborn baby is.
Thank you to his Momma for letting me use him as my tiniest model yet! Enjoy!

How beautiful!! You did a fabulous job with him!
Awww....he is too cute! I love his squishy face in the one with the skull and cross bones hat :)
Mama is gonna love these! He has awesome hair! The last one is my fave...lots of squish!
Soooo precious!
oh my goodness how precious is he!!!! Beautiful shots! That 3rd one makes me smile!
He's so cute, his mommy will be so happy with these!
Serious cuteness going on, I love that skull hat and the mini hawk!
His photos are so cute. You did a great job. :)
What an adorable baby and a great "first" newborn session!
Unbelievable! Jason said it's ridiculously great. :)
Awww, what a cutie! Love the skull beanie one :)
such a sweet little one. I love the 2nd last one.
Beautiful job with these!
That is one cute baby! You captured him perfectly. Congratulations to his Family.
Awww...so sweet! Great job!
Beautiful, Katie! This little one is jsut gorgeous, and your portraits convey a wonderful feeling of peace, cosyness and warmth.
What a cutie! I bet mom and dad will love these.
Gorgeous!! Beautiful baby too!
Oh my goodness with that hair. So stinkin cute!
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